Wedding Ring for Bride-Herculaneum Cocktail Ring

Color Yellow All Blue Aqua Red Blue Green
Size 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Story of Herculaneum

My sister studied art in Rome and Florence, and the classical world has always been a huge inspiration for both of us. 

This ring reminds me of a volcano, just like the one that covered Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 AD with its lava and gave us a window into the past. The destructive power of Mt. Vesuvius’ eruption magically preserved the supreme beauty of a world that is mostly forgotten, and reaffirms that the ancients were just like us.

I am a student of the past and revel on the shoulders of giants. Every time I study the grace, beauty, and taste of the ancient world, I feel a bond with the men and women of countless generations before us.

Their lives were more like ours than we remember, and I hope this ring reminds you of what we have in common not only with our ancestors, but also our own generation, and those yet to come.

My Favorite Parts of this Ring

I find this ring totally regal.  It is a real stunner, and as I like to say, you can “dance with the Russians, and not feel under-dressed”.  If you are looking for a formal and elegant ring for a special day or night, this ring might be the one for you.

One of my favorite parts of this ring is the combination of the stone cut and its setting.  The particularly brilliant cut of this stone, when mounted with a closed-back, brings out a richness and depth of color that is mesmerizing.  I hope it enchants you as well.